How to Dehydrate Mushrooms

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Dehydrated mushrooms are an incredibly versatile pantry item! Learn how easy it is to dehydrate your own mushrooms so you always have some on hand.

Dehydrated mushrooms in a bowl with an orange background

There is nothing more disappointing than spending money on “top-shelf” mushrooms only for them to go slimy in the back of your refrigerator. 

That’s why it’s a great idea to start dehydrating your own mushrooms at home! 

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Dried mushrooms have a shelf life of a year or more, and after rehydrating, can be used just like fresh mushrooms. So you will always be able to add some extra umami flavor to any of your dishes. 

While you can buy dry mushrooms from the store, it can be much cheaper to buy fresh mushrooms and dehydrate them yourself. Plus, you’ll have more variety to choose from!

Some of our favorite ways to use dehydrated mushrooms: 

  • Rehydrate and use in recipes either at home or in backpacking meals
  • Water used to rehydrate is great for stocks, soups, risotto, etc.
  • Dried mushrooms can be blitzed to make an umami rich mushroom powder 
  • Dried mushrooms can be shaved using a micro planer over pastas

So if you’re interested in dehydrating your own mushrooms, let’s get started!

Assorted mushrooms arranged on an orange surface

What types of mushrooms can be dehydrated?

Any edible mushroom variety can be dehydrated. Crimini or baby bella, shiitake, portobello, button, chanterelle, porcini, oyster, etc. 

The most important factor when selecting mushrooms is to use the freshest mushrooms possible! Mushrooms that are past their prime will not store as well and can start to smell “off” in your dehydrator. 

To check for freshness, break the stem from the cap. You should feel (or even hear!) a bit of a “snap” when the stem breaks off (the exception is shiitakes–their stems are too tough for this test). If the mushroom feels rubbery or slimy, if it bends instead of breaks, or is starting to develop dark brown or black spots, that’s your sign that the mushrooms are not fresh enough to dehydrate.

Mushrooms sliced thin

Prepping mushrooms for drying

Before you start prepping your mushrooms, make sure your counters, equipment, and hands are clean & sanitized to prevent contamination, which can spoil your batch down the line.

  • Clean the mushrooms: Use a damp kitchen towel to gently clean any dirt or grit off your mushrooms. Avoid washing with water—while this won’t harm your mushrooms, it can cause them to darken during the dehydrating process.
  • Trim the stems: Remove any stems that are tough and stalky. (We save them to make veggie stock). You can then cut them off with a paring knife or tear them by hand.
  • Slice the mushrooms: Using a sharp knife, cut the mushrooms into ¼” slices. Alternatively, you can dice the mushrooms into small pieces if that works better for your end use.
Sliced mushrooms on wire trays before and after dehydrating

How to dry mushrooms

Dehydrating mushrooms is fairly simple and straightforward—a great ingredient for beginners! Once your mushrooms are prepped, set up your dehydrator and follow these steps:

  • Arrange the mushrooms on your dehydrator trays. If you’re using a tray that has large holes, we recommend that you line it with parchment paper or, even better, a mesh liner cut to the size of your tray. Leave space between the pieces to allow air to circulate.
  • Dehydrate at 125ºF (52ºC) for 3-8 hours until the mushrooms are brittle—they should break, not bend.
  • Depending on your machine, you may need to rotate the trays every so often to promote even drying.
  • Dehydrating using an oven: Place the mushrooms in a single layer on a lined baking sheet. Dry in the oven on its lowest temperature setting—if possible, keep the door propped open to allow steam to escape. Flip the pieces over every hour and remove as soon as they are completely dry.

Equipment Spotlight: Dehydrators

If you’re in the market for a dehydrator, we recommend buying one with an adjustable temperature. This will allow you to dial in the drying temp to give you the best results for individual ingredients. The dehydrator we recommend (and use) most often is the COSORI dehydrator. You can also check out our best dehydrators post for a comparison of all the dehydrators we’ve used and would recommend.

How to tell when mushrooms are done

Mushrooms should be brittle when they are completely dried. To test, let them cool, then break a few pieces. If they break easily, they are done. If the slices bend, put them back into the dehydrator or oven to dry longer.

Dehydrated mushrooms in a jar. Text overlays read "Conditioning Mushrooms" "Fill jar 2/3" "Check daily for moisture/condensation"


To condition your mushrooms, let them cool completely and then place them in a large airtight container (like a mason jar), seal, and leave it on your counter for a few days. Check it daily to make sure that there’s no moisture/condensation forming on the sides of the jar, and shake the contents to make sure they aren’t sticking together.

If you do notice that there is condensation, you can put it back into the dehydrator to dry for longer (so long as there is no mold growing). 

After a week, if there are no signs of moisture or mold, you can package your mushrooms for long-term storage. 

Dehydrated mushrooms in a jar next to vacuum sealing accessories

How to store

When properly dried and stored, dehydrated mushrooms can last a year or more. Here are our tips for storage:

  • Let the mushrooms cool completely before transferring them.
  • Don’t skip the conditioning step! Even a little moisture can reduce shelf life or ruin an entire batch. 
  • Store in a clean, airtight container. For longer shelf life, vacuum seal.
  • Use a moisture absorbing desiccant packet if you anticipate opening the container often, or if you live in an area with high humidity.
  • Label the container with the date and any other important details.
  • Place the container in a cool, dark, and dry place—inside of a pantry cabinet works well.

Vacuum Sealing Tips

We like to store our dehydrated food in mason jars that have been vacuum-sealed using this handheld FoodSaver vacuum sealer along with these jar sealing attachments. This gives us the benefit of vacuum sealing without the waste (and expense) of plastic vacuum sealing bags. Since the jars are clear we make sure we store them in a dark spot in our pantry to keep them out of direct light.

Dehydrated mushrooms in a bowl

How to use

To rehydrate mushrooms, place them in a bowl and cover them with boiling water and allow them to rehydrate for about 30 minutes. Or, you can simmer them in a small pot to speed up the process a bit. You’ll know they are rehydrated when they lose any rubbery texture.

Dehydrated mushrooms are an awesome ingredient to have on hand in your pantry or to use in backpacking and camping meals. Here are some of the ways to use them:

Fresh to dehydrated conversion

½ pound (8 oz) fresh = .75 oz / 21 g dehydrated

1 pound (16 oz) fresh = 1½ oz / 42 g dehydrated

Sliced mushrooms artistically arranged on a wire rack to resemble a smiling face, set against a vibrant yellow background.

Dehydrated Mushrooms

Dry mushrooms can last for a year or more when properly dehydrated and stored
Approx yield: 1 lb (16oz) fresh mushrooms = 1½ oz (42g) dry mushrooms
Author: Fresh Off The Grid
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Dehydrating time: 4 hours
Total Time: 4 hours



  • Fresh mushrooms


  • Start with clean hands, equipment, and countertops.
  • Clean mushrooms with a kitchen towel, brushing off any dirt or grit.
  • Cut mushrooms into ¼” slices or pieces.
  • Arrange mushrooms in a single layer on dehydrator trays, ensuring there is space between pieces to allow airflow.
  • Dehydrate at 125F/52C for 3-8 hours*, until the mushrooms are completely dry. They should be brittle and break, not bend, when fully dry.
  • Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to a year. Optionally, place a moisture absorber in the container if you will open it often or live in a humid area.


*Total time will depend on your machine, total dehydrator load, humidity in the air, air temperature. 3-8 hours is a range and you should rely primarily on the feel and texture of the mushrooms to determine doneness (brittle, breaks easily). You can’t over-dry mushrooms, so feel free to leave them in for longer to be safe!
Oven instructions: Place the mushrooms in a single layer on a lined baking sheet. Dry in the oven on its lowest temperature setting—if possible, keep the door propped open to allow steam to escape. Flip the pieces over every hour and remove as soon as they are completely dry

Nutrition (Per Serving)

Serving: 1oz (dried) | Calories: 70kcal | Carbohydrates: 80g | Protein: 9.8g | Fat: 1.4g | Potassium: 1009mg

*Nutrition is an estimate based on information provided by a third-party nutrition calculator


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