A Guide to the Arizona Hot Springs

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The Arizona Hot Springs (aka Ringbolt Hot Springs) are located along the Colorado River just south of the Hoover Dam. Tucked away inside a colorful slot canyon, these hot springs offer a beautiful environment to enjoy a nice long soak. They can be accessed by boat via the Colorado River or by hiking a 5.8 mile round trip trail from Arizona state highway 93.

In this post, we’ll cover how to hike to the Arizona Hot Springs as a day hike, or as an overnight backpacking trip!

Michael relaxing in Arizona hot springs

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Important Arizona Hot Spring Trail details

  • Arizona Hot Springs is closed from May 15-September 30 each year. Please check for any other trail closures or alerts on the NPS website before your hike.
  • Trail Distance: 5.8 miles round trip when hiked as a loop
  • Total Elevation Change: 1000+ ft, depending on route
  • Time to Hike: Six to seven hours round trip (plus time to enjoy the springs!)
  • Trail Difficulty: Difficult
  • Safety Considerations: Summer temperatures can exceed 120F and the trail is exposed (which is why the trail is closed in the summer months) and there is limited water until you reach the river. Flash floods in the canyon are a concern if there are rain or thunderstorms in the area. Be aware of rattlesnakes along the trail.

Michael hiking in a slot canyon

What to bring on an Arizona Hot Spring hike

Many people visit Arizona Hot Springs as a day hike, but we planned to camp there overnight.

Regardless of whether you hike to the springs for the day or overnight, you’ll want to make sure you have the following items in your backpack:

Water: This hike is located in the desert, so until you hit the river at the end of the hike, there are no reliable water sources. Pack enough water for the 3.2 mile hike in, and bring a water filter so that you can safely fill up at the river before you hike out.

Extra Food: Bring plenty of food, even if you’re not going to be camping overnight.

Sun Protection: Desert hiking requires good sun protection to avoid sunburn and heat injury! In addition to sunscreen, we recommend a wide-brimmed hat and a UPF hiking shirt.

Navigation Tools: A map of the trail can be found here. Bring along a compass or GPS that you feel comfortable using.

Headlamp: In the event that you end up relaxing at the springs longer than planned, be sure to bring along a headlamp in case it gets dark before you return to the trailhead.

Layers: The temperature swing in the desert is pretty significant, so be ready by packing several layers, including an insulation layer.

Emergency Items: Pack a first aid kit, fire starter, and emergency shelter so that you’re prepared for the unexpected. You could also consider bringing an SOS/satellite messaging device if you have one.

Water Shoes/Sandals: The unfortunate reality of many hot springs is that people are careless with their trash and there is occasionally glass in them. We always wear Chaco or Teva sandals at hot springs to protect our feet.

Quick Dry Towel: We like to bring one of these lightweight, quick drying towels (instead of a regular beach towel).

If you plan on camping near the springs as we did, you’ll additionally want to back the proper backpacking gear. You can find our complete backpacking checklist here!

Leave No Trace Tips

Like many popular outdoor destinations, the Arizona Hot Springs have really felt the impact of visitors. Please be a good steward of the area by following these Leave No Trace guidelines:

Dispose of waste properly

Pack out all of your trash, including used toilet paper. There’s a disgusting amount of TP in this area, so please don’t add to it! Bring a zip-top bag to stash it in and dispose of it at home.

If you need to use the bathroom while you’re visiting the springs, there is a pit toilet down on the beach next to the river. Please use this instead of digging a cathole; the arid desert environment makes it much harder for waste to break down properly.

Don’t use soap in the springs

Don’t use any soap–even biodegradable soap–in the springs or in the nearby river. Additionally, if you are wearing sunscreen, we’d encourage you to rinse it off before getting in the springs to avoid polluting the water.

Leave it as you found it

The pools are built up with rocks and sandbags–please let these be as moving them around can impact the pools.

Michael standing on a trail in a canyon
Hiking through White Rock Canyon

Arizona Hot Spring Trailhead & Hiking Routes

The Arizona Hot Springs Trail is about 40 miles from Las Vegas. The trailhead parking lot is on the north side of State Route 93, about 3.5 miles south of the Pat Tillman Bridge. The best way to set your directions is to search “Arizona Hot Spring Trailhead” on Google Maps.

You can find a map for the Arizona Hot Springs hike here. There are three main routes for you to take to get to the springs:

Out & Back: Hot Springs Canyon Trail
Distance: 5.2 miles (round trip) | Total elevation: ~1,150 ft

Out & Back: White Rock Canyon
Distance: 6.6 | Total elevation: ~1,840 ft

Loop: White Rock Canyon & Hot Springs Canyon Trails
Distance: 5.9 miles | Total elevation: ~1,500 ft

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Get our favorite hiking app!

AllTrails is hands down our favorite hiking app. Not only can we search for hikes and see maps, elevation changes, and other stats, but with the Pro version, we can download or print those maps to navigate without service to ensure we stay on the trail. AllTrails+ also features their “Lifeline” service so you can share live tracking with up to five emergency contacts.

What to expect when hiking to Arizona Hot Springs

Hot Spring Canyon approaches the springs from behind (you’ll have to wade through the pools, so be ready to get your feet wet!), and White Rock Canyon will allow you to approach the springs from the river.

There are some signs marking the way, even though the topography makes identifying the trail a little difficult. There are some areas along the White Rock Canyon Trail that will require scrambling (nothing you would need ropes for!).

The trails are hot and exposed, so be prepared with plenty of water, a wide brimmed hat, sun-protective clothing, and sunscreen.

It’s also worth noting that there is no cell service in the canyons, and the service down at the Colorado River is spotty at best.

Michael climbing up a ladder in a slot canyon
Ladder to climb into the hot springs canyon

If you approach the springs from the Colorado River side (from the White Rock Canyon Trail), you will need to climb a 20 foot ladder to get into the hot spring canyon–take your time as it can be slippery since it’s set up in a small waterfall.

Michael relaxing in Arizona hot springs

Arizona Hot Springs

There are four pools that make up the Arizona Hot Springs. The top one (the first you’ll encounter if you approach from the Hot Spring Canyon Trail) is the hottest since it’s closest to the source, and it is indeed VERY hot–about 110F. The water in the pools cools down as you descend into the canyon, so you can play Goldilocks and find the pool that is juuust right.

Hot spring in a slot canyon
The top pool of the Arizona Hot Springs

These are some of the most unique hot springs we’ve been to, set in a canyon full of pink, lavender, and orange volcanic rock. Getting to listen to the trickle of the water dance off the canyon walls was incredibly relaxing.

Megan relaxing in ringbolt hot spring
Relaxing in the bottom pool

One thing to note: Naegleria Fowleri can be found in thermal pools such as these. If present, the amoeba can travel up your nasal passage and cause a fatal infection. While such infections are extremely rare, with only 130 cases being reported to the CDC since 1962, it is still advised that visitors refrain from putting their head underwater.

Backpacking tent set up

Camping near the Arizona Hot Springs

Why not make your visit to the Arizona Hot Springs into an overnight adventure? This is what we did when we explored the area and it remains one of our favorite one night backpacking trips.

There is a camping area near the springs along the Colorado River. You can see it here on the map:

Topographic map with location of campground relative to the Arizona Hot Springs

It’s accessible by trail and by boat, so there will be a mix of backcountry campers and rafters/boaters and it’s a fairly popular camping destination on the weekends. Luckily, there are lots of different areas to pitch a tent.

Despite the easy access from the river, this is backcountry camping, which means no amenities, potable water, trash service, or established campsites–other than the vault toilets located just south of the beach.

Be prepared to pack out all your own trash and bring along everything you will need for your stay (here’s our suggested backpacking gear list).

Megan standing in Arizona Hot Springs

The Arizona Hot Springs have got to be some of the most interesting springs we’ve visited. The hike to them was pretty incredible, the campground was right on the Colorado River, and the springs themselves were hidden away in an amazing slot canyon. If you’re in the area, we’d definitely suggest checking it out.

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  1. KJ | Omnomherbivore says:

    haha magic beer find!! Nice! Looks like you guys had the place to yourself 🙂 Its such a bummer that people will just purse out these beautiful places – pick up your chip bag dudes!

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      We arrived pretty early on a weekday, so we did get it to ourselves for a little bit! (The weekend was a different story!) I know, it really is such a bummer. I really just DON’T understand how someone could want to spend time in nature, to the point where you have to hike 6+ miles RT to get to a place, and then trash it. Like, WHAT?

  2. Love this post, nicely done! Curious, which Osprey packs do you like for backpacking? I am going to check out Fireside Provisions!

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      Thanks Jordan! Michael has the Atmos AG 65, and I have the Kyte 46. Michael LOVES the AG system on his pack – I really wanted to love it but the hipbelt didn’t work for me. The Kyte is great, but it would definitely be a little on the small side if we didn’t split gear and I had to carry a bear barrell in it. It’s definitely possible if you’re a bit on the minimalist side, though.

  3. Lauren @ Free Your Fork says:

    Hah! Loved that you made mention of the tell-tale “classic backpacker back sweat”. And, of course, loving all these stunning shots you got!

    So disheartening to hear about the trash situation you encountered, it’s always such a shock to see such flagrant disregard for nature like that. But so HEARTENING that you’re sharing all your hard-earned knowledge about Leave No Trace and promoting better practices!

    Going to have to make a mental note about Fireside Provisions for our upcoming road trip through the parks this summer, sounds like it could be a game-changer!

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      Haha, just trying to keep it real 😉
      Yeah, the trash situation was a real bummer, but I’m glad that we have the opportunity to open up a discussion about the topic. While I have a hard time believing that folks trash outdoor spaces because they “didn’t know any better,” I do think that the more the issue is brought to light, the more likely people will think twice before leaving an entire weekend’s worth of trash scattered around their campsite when they pack up to leave.

  4. Leigh | Campfires & Concierges says:

    This looks like a great place for a mid-week overnighter – I’m definitely going to bookmark this one, thanks!

  5. Liz Volchok says:

    This is a great and helpful post, thank you for sharing! I have a question about tents and sleeping bags … a friend and I are planning a camping trip (short, one or two nights) but one that requires us to travel cross country (plane) with our backpacks. We wanted to keep the load light so are looking to purchase excellent sleeping bags and tents (probably a 2 person tent) that are small and can fit in the pack, also semi budget friendly. Out of curiosity, which do you carry? Or do you already have a post outlining your gear? Thank you in advance!


    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      Hi Liz! We don’t currently have a post outlining our gear, but here’s some of the stuff we carry + why we like it!
      Sleeping bags: Sleeping bags tend to become more expensive the lighter they are, so you’ll have to strike a balance on that front. If you’re just front country camping and aren’t camping anywhere particularly cold, you could probably get away with a 2 season bag, which will be lighter and budget friendly. Michael had a Marmot bag for a long time that he liked a lot, I have a Sierra Designs bag which I enjoy but their bags can be a little on the pricey side (something I was willing to do since it was for a month long backpacking trip several years ago).
      Tents: For front country car camping, the two tents we have used recently would be way too bulky to take on a plane. However, we’ve used our backpacking tent on a number of occasions even when car camping to save space. For the last four years, I’ve used a Tarptent Double Rainbow, which is big enough for two people (incl. Michael who is 6’6″). I love this tent except for one aspect: It’s a single wall (to save on weight + bulk), which means that is is very prone to condensation. That being said, if it’s not forecasted to rain, you can set it up in a way that promotes air flow which helps cut down on the condensation issue. Tarptent makes a bunch of different backpacking tents so there might be a different model that will work best for you. My JMT hiking partner had a Big Agnes UL tent that he really liked and I don’t think he had as big of a condensation issue, so you could look into that one as well (though I think those can get a bit pricey).
      If you’re not backpacking, another option which would be much more budget friendly could be to pick up a cheap tent from an Army surplus or Target in the area where you’re camping, and then donate it after your trip (local youth organizations like the YMCA, Girlscouts, or Boys & Girls clubs usually have a need for things like this!!!). That way you don’t have to worry about the weight + bulk while flying, but also don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for a lightweight tent.
      Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!

  6. That looks like so much fun! And not to mention your photos are beautiful. I agree, Chacos are a must-have for hiking. I actually broke through two pairs when I was down in Brazil!

    Katie // thekatiebaker.com

  7. Todd Schacherl says:

    As a regular visitor to these springs they are an incredible spot. I often hike to the springs at night after work. With or without a moon, it’s an incredible night hike. It’s unfortunate how much trash people leave and a handful of regulars and myself are constantly bringing it out. Even things like orange peels people don’t realize how long they actually last in the desert.

    There is also an area right above the springs that makes for a great campsite. Usually there isn’t anyone camping there and that also means the springs are only 100 yards away. Much closer than if camping at the river.

  8. Melanie Salikin says:

    Well done! Easy to see why it’s important to have everything necessary for the journey.. you offer wonderful advice and your photos are beautiful.. Me and my guy are looking forward to going to Arizona for the first time.. his parents have a place there for vacations.. I now have these wonderful Hot Springs to look forward too.. they love to hike and I betcha we will be on a great adventure.. Thank you so much.. I am happy that I came across this today.. It’s meant to be! Cheers friends! xo

  9. Amanda Jean says:

    Can I just say I absolutely love the quality of photos and the overall aesthetic 🙂
    I am an Arizona Native and have had this little adventure on my list for a while! I just started a blog so I suppose that gives me an excuse to pack up and just go do it! Your article is super helpful in that as well as the formating for how I would someday like to blog!

  10. great post, informative and responsible jounalism!
    may i suggest supporting the craft beer movement in future adventures?

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      Thank you. We have since switched to drinking Montucky.

  11. Hey, I hike this trail a lot and am contemplating spending the night. I just really have one question…what is the critter situation out there at night? One thing I hate about living here is that if you go out at night you encounter roaches (aka waterbugs) and scorpions. Since you went in warmer weather, did you have to deal with these guys at all?

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      We didn’t see any critters, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some out there. Snakes and scorpions are definitely a possibility out in the desert. While all the human activity in the area might scare off some animals, others animals (e.x. coyotes) might be attracted to food and trash.

  12. What a great descriptive article. Thank you for sharing
    How long is the entire trail ?

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      The trail is 3.2 miles.

  13. P. J. Ohm says:

    I visited this magnificent place several times back in the mid/late 1980s. I accessed it via a motorboat from down river at Willow Beach. Was a fun place to camp and just hang out for a couple of days. I remember a steam cave in the wall of the canyon and hot springs on both sides of the river. So glad to see that it is still accessible and being enjoyed. I may need to revisit! Thanks for sharing your experience.

  14. Friends and I are thinking of heading here in late November – 2 quick questions: 1. how chilly do you think we need to be prepared for in the evening or early morning? 2. Did you notice if there were any tree areas possible for strap up hammocks? Thanks so much for the great informative post! We are looking forward to our visit, and certainly plan to do our part in supporting our beautiful mother earth with less trash!

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      Being the dessert, it will definitely be chilly at night. Be prepared – at least – for something down close to freezing at night. It probably won’t get that low, but better safe than sorry. There are very few if any trees in that area, so your hammocking options are going to be very limited.

  15. Ed Momeni says:

    Oh wow, I usually go to the El Dorado hot springs near Phoenix and was searching for the other one north of Phoenix which was burned down a few years ago but now rebuilt then I came across your blog, fascinating, must try, thanks, Ed

  16. Great post! Currently, a new resident to Arizona and looking to take on some adventures. After your post – this definitely made the list!
    However, I’m a little concerned with the amoebas. :0/
    Noticed a lot of people stating they’ve visited this location.. so that makes me feel better.
    Feeling anxious.. help!

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      We get freaked out by the amoebas situation from time to time. We follow a couple of simple rules. 1.) If you have an open wound (even a hangnail or minor cut) you are not going in. 2.) Do NOT submerge your head. Your head stays out of the water at all times. Even if the chance of getting an amoeba is 1 in a million, if we follow these rules, we hope we get the odds closer to 1 in a billion.

  17. Gary Poopins says:

    How is the loose firewood situation in that area for winter time?

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      There is very little to no wood in that area. Mostly low-lying scrubs. If you are interested in making a campfire, you will need to bring the wood with you.

  18. john w murray says:

    ive spent some time there in the past usually a week at a time from my experience the people who come up the river on the boats have parties and leave trash i spend a week and take out all i bring in they stay a few hours and cant take their trash out its just the rich mentality thinking they dont have to clean up after themselves the maid will do it or mommy and daddy thanks for your positive comments there is a better way

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      It’s just sad. We have no idea the thought process behind the type of person who wants to go out to someplace in nature and then proceeds to trash it. It doesn’t make any sense to us.

  19. Susan Goldstein says:

    We are planning on doing the hike mid March. First, if you could tell me the temperature to expect and second if you could tell me if we will have to change our boots into water shoes if we take White Rock Canyon up to the pools, then turn around and go back the same way. I am also asking because I don’t do uphill very well.

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      In mid-March is going to be warm during the day, but chilly at night. So be prepared for something in the neighborhood of low 40’s in the evening. It might not get down that low, but it’s good to be prepared. You will probably want water shoes. The trail can get quite wet and especially in the spring when water levels are high, there is a good chance you’re going to get your feet wet.

  20. All in all a nice hiking, camping, and hot spring soaking experience. But crowded. Too many people starting Friday afternoon and crowded by Saturday mid-morning. Saturday people were mostly non outdoors types; loud, trashy, and shockingly inconsiderate. One latecomer group set two tents up for their children, as close as 15 feet from our tent. While the adults set up close to the water, not wanting children to bother them while they partied.

    1. Fresh Off the Grid says:

      We’re sorry to hear the other campers were less than considerate, but unfortunately, we’re not entirely surprised either. We had a similar experience when we visited as well. Since this area can be accessed via boat, it does seem to attract a different, less considerate crowd. We really struggle with what to do in these types of situations. The best that can be done is to be a good role model yourself. Thanks for being one of the good ones!

      1. Kristiena says:

        Took the hike today, but we took the Hot Springs Trail both there and back. It was a beautiful day to go. Slightly overcast and only 60 degrees makes the hike perfect and the hotsprings just the right way to relax before heading back.

  21. This detailed information about the hike and springs is so helpful. Thank you!

  22. Hi there! Wondering what you used to build a fire (if you did build a fire). Hiking down with enough wood seems a bit daunting.

    1. Fresh Off The Grid says:

      Hi Doug– We didn’t build a fire while we were camping there. Agreed–packing in wood seems a bit heavy! The people we did see with campfires were folks who had boated in.